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Numerical and experimental analysis for inspection of composite wrapped pipelines using shearography and FEM

BORTOLI, Tiago Junior; FANTIN, Analucia Vieira; BARRERA, Estiven Sánchez; BENEDET, Mauro Eduardo; WILLEMANN, Daniel Pedro;


PUBLICADO NO Rio Pipeline Conference and Exhbition, 2019, Rio de Janeiro. ISSN:2447-2050.


In order to increase the safety and reliability of industrial facilities, the composite material has been increasingly used in the oil and gas industry, as an inhibitor of external corrosion in parts of metal pipes. These procedures increase the life of the pipe, saving significant time and resources. However, the corrosion may continue over time. In extreme cases, it can cause holes under the coating that cannot be detected by simple visual inspection. For these cases, advanced non-destructive inspection techniques are needed. Shearography is a non-destructive technique capable of detecting defects under the coating. However, the defect sizing is still an unexplored field. The goal of this work is to quantify the dimensions of through-holes detected by shearography under the composite material coating. For this, numerical and experimental comparison were done using shearography measurements and simulations by FEM (Finite Element Method). The minimum of the square error results in an estimation of the throughhole. Experiments were performed with 150 mm diameter tubes holes hidden by composite material layers. Smaller thicknesses and bigger diameters led to better results. Mean deviations of the order of 10% were found for a set of experiments. Although the authors consider that it is feasible to further improve these results, deviations of about 10% are already very acceptable results and represent a significant improvement over the classic methods used today.


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